Special Edition “New Building”

Employee Newspaper
E.ON Ruhrgas, Essen

It is particularly important to motivate your employees during turbulent times. This includes information regarding the corporate strategy as well as other departments and colleagues – often in form of an employee newspaper. The same applies to E.ON Ruhrgas, Essen. Thus, the special edition “New Building” was created on the occasion of the upcoming relocation in 2010, including comprehensive reporting on the new building and the environment. The special edition was part of the E.ON corporate newspaper. Thus, the format and paper were predetermined.

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Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de

Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de