
Corporate Design
E.ON AG, Düsseldorf

Pictograms facilitate the orientation and are therefore often used in buildings, on maps and plans. The more versatile their application, the sharper the pictograms need to differentiate from one another and – above all – the clearer they need to be. We recently developed the new E.ON pictograms for the ten types of energy with great love for detail and, while we were at it, also revised the entire range of existing pictograms – and added missing areas.

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Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de

Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de