Local. International.
Annual Report 2008
E.ON AG, Düsseldorf
Eric from Malmö meets Dimitrij from Moscow. Laura from Munich is already here. International teams work on local solutions. In short: E.ON uses the advantages of international cooperation within the group for everything that is done locally. This is how people learn from each other and create synergies which lead to good results. This international networking is illustrated with connecting lines between names and locations.

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Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de
Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 / contact@lesmo.de