Energy, Efficiency and Engagement

CR Report 2004
E.ON AG, Düsseldorf

Apart from design and documentation, our task with E.ON AG’s first CR Report was also to introduce various reporting lines. A complex task – which we dealt with to the full satisfaction of our customer. With various photographers we travelled to different places around the world that reflect the corporate commitment of E.ON: to the power plant redevelopment in Farge/Bremen, to the setup of an off-shore windpark off the Norfolk coast, to the association for street kids in St. Petersburg. Just to mention a few examples.

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Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 /

Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 /