Connecting Values

Financial Communication 2011
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank, Düsseldorf

A successful enterprise needs reliable values. This is true for a bank just as it is for a medical practice, a chemist, a clinic or any other entity in the health system. Because values convey an attitude. They offer orientation. And – ideally – form a close and lasting connection.

This annual financial report demonstrates the similarities between customers and advisors of the apoBank in this respect. Each one conveys his or her own view about the significance of the different values in very personal statements.

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Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 /

Lesmo / Galeriehaus / Poststraße 3 / 40213 Düsseldorf / Telephone +49-211-52 80 07-00 /